Venous Diseases
Phlebology is the medical specialty concerned with diseases of the venous system and related conditions. This includes all forms of "chronic venous diseases," primarily those caused by vein insufficiency. The most well-known and common of these is "varicose veins." In contrast, "thrombosis" involves the occlusion of a venous vessel by a blood clot. Venous thromboses are another significant area within phlebology, encompassing complications such as "pulmonary embolism" or "post-thrombotic syndrome."
Beyond these classic venous diseases, phlebology also addresses associated conditions, including lymphology and lymphedema, leg ulcers, or lipedema. Often, phlebology plays a crucial role in evaluating leg swelling ("leg edema").
Neben diesen klassischen venösen Erkrankungen befasst sich die Phlebologie auch mit damit assoziierten Befunden. Hierzu zählen die Lymphologie bzw. das Lymphödem, das offene Bein oder das Lipödem. Oftmals spielt die Phlebologie auch in der Abklärung von Beinschwellungen (“Beinödeme“) eine wichtige Rolle.